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Paving support done right.

+1 877-508-9816 Website

Our PAVE-EL pedestals provide the best low-cost solution for perfect drainage for paving stones on rooftops and walkways. Over 40 years of use correcting slopes up to 5% and zero product failures.. Installations include the Smithsonian, NASA, FBI, and many others. REVIT template-BIM Objects tools available.


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PAVE-EL Pedestal System - Roof Paver

PAVE-EL Pedestal System - Roof Paver


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PAVE-EL vs Screwjack pedestals

PAVE-EL vs Screwjack pedestals

PAVE-EL corrects slope up to 5%.

PAVE-EL corrects slope up to 5%.

Product Data Sheet-PAVE-EL Pedestals by Envirospec

Product Data Sheet-PAVE-EL Pedestals by Envirospec

PAVE-EL on cut rigid foam and corrects slopes

PAVE-EL on cut rigid foam and corrects slopes

Trade names

  • Envirospec